From the Desk of Carrie Wigal

DATE: Post-2020

SUBJECT: First Things First

Determine to Leave the System

  • Know who our Enemy is (that which is seeking to steal from & kill us and to destroy the natural world) & be desperate to get away from him.
  • Commit to leaving the way of life we have always known behind us in hope of a better way.
  • If we are unable to completely care for ourselves & our households, then we need to humble ourselves to live under the protection, care &/or instruction of someone else until we are able to do so.
  • Plan our exit strategy, and begin to implement it...every day until we get all the way out.

Get out of Debt

We may have to sell what we have to settle our secured debts or else risk losing it all. We need to take a sober look at our personal situations and act wisely. Time is short. (The US Dollar is deflating by the minute.)

Read some of my thoughts about housing.

Find Safe Shelter

My advice is to get out of densely populated areas. Find a location where you can safely dwell with private access to clean air & clean water and where you are able to produce your own food.

Consider moving in with someone you trust and who is either willing & capable of protecting & providing care for you, in exchange for labor (or financial aid) in meeting your housing, utility & food needs, or pool your resources to protect & care for one another.

Learn How to Live off the Land

My advice is to adhere to the Ten Commandments. They are wise sayings.

>> Love our Maker

  • Recognize our Maker everyday & recall that He is the one that delivers us from those who seek to oppress and enslave us; Do not put any other mighty ones in His face.
  • Do not idolize anything -- do not bow down or serve the works of our own hands or the works of any other man.
  • Do not defame our Maker.
  • Sleep at night, work/play in the day. Take a break from work every week by taking the 7th day off!

>> Love our fellow man as we love ourselves.

  • Honor our parents. (Take wise counsel & obey the good, so that our days may be long upon the land.)
    • Make better health & wellness choices.
      (Drink plenty of clean water, deeply breathe fresh air, move our body daily, avoid toxins, eat whole foods in their most natural state, be grateful for everything, laugh regularly, embrace one another, talk less & listen more, remain humble & teachable, be patient & kind toward our fellow man, chill out & enjoy life, etc.)
    • Take personal responsibility for our own life.
      (Clothe ourselves, feed ourselves, rule ourselves, take care of that which is in our possession, and if we make a mess, clean it up.)
    • Learn basic survival skills.
      (How to build our own shelter, dig a well or capture water & filter it, manage our own waste, care for animals and all wildlife, tend the soil & produce, prepare & preserve food for ourselves & those in our care, protect ourselves against predators, generate energy using natural resources, etc.)
  • Do not kill.
  • Do not commit adultery.
  • Do not steal.
  • Do not bear false witness against our neighbor.
  • Do not covet that which belongs to our neighbor.

Build Community

My advice is to migrate offline and go old school. Reach out and touch someone!

Make yourself known and get to know others around you. Guard yourself and determine who you can trust. Who values life and freedom and recognizes the true Enemy of mankind?

In 2020 I began a personal Know Your Neighbors initiative to familiarize myself with my most local neighborhood.

Given the course of events since early 2020 and the direction the Powers-That-Be in the System say they intend to go (See Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, The Great Reset, The 4th Industrial Revolution, etc.), I believe there will be many who will be making their way out of the System in the very near future.

Get to know those in your geographical area who are either already out of the System or have been in the process of coming out of it. This will be your support structure as you make your own way out.

Ask those within your support structure what their needs and desires are & see how you might be able to help them. Express your needs & desires and allow others to help you as you deem fit. Learn from one another.

PLEASE NOTE: It is important to maintain local community support. Transportation may become difficult in the coming days -- as well as communication. You need people close by who you can trust.

See what I did and continue to do to build my personal community.


© 2021 Carrie Wigal